Tuesdays 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Even a casual reader knows that the biblical writers spoke of justice. Prophet Amos thundered, “Let justice roll down like waters…”. For some, social justice is about crime and punishment; for others it is about creating a more just society. For still others, justice is personal rather than social—God’s just treatment of sin and sinner, one’s personal salvation, and being kind and generous after you are saved. But what, if anything, does the Bible say about social justice?
Larry Eubanks is a retired pastor, most recently 27 years at First Baptist Church of Frederick. He earned a B.S., a M.Div., and a Ph.D. in Old Testament Literature. He blogs (larryeubanks.org) on biblical interpretation and is a contributor at EthicsDaily.org and MissioAlliance.org.